The new Planmeca Clarify™ filter improves image depth and clarity of 2D X-ray images in an unprecedented way. The filter is adjustable.
There are different default values for all image types – panoramic, cephalometric and intraoral X-ray images – when applying the filter. The Planmeca Clarify filter can also be saved as default image enhancement for new images.
Planmeca Romexis® can now render 3D panoramic views in any of the available 3D rendering styles. The rendering effect greatly improves the diagnostic value of the panoramic views and allows creating stunning panoramic visualisations. Combined with the panoramic Autofit and Autofocus tools, the possibility to render multiple panoramic views side by side brings added flexibility to this great visualisation tool. All rendered panoramic slices are generated from the same middle layer.
A new Plane Navigation mode is now available in 3D Explorer module. Plane Navigation complements the old Volume Navigation mode. It allows navigation of the 3D volume by moving and rotating the orthogonal plane indicators (red, green, blue lines) in the MPR slices. This allows creation of arbitrary oblique slicing without moving the anatomy itself, which may feel more intuitive in certain situations. This offers a great tool for placing the intersection along the axis of a tooth and for rotating the planes in the Axial view, simultaneously observing the tooth’s anatomy in the Coronal and Sagittal views.
The navigation mode is toggled by the Move/Rotate button in the Adjust tool panel.
Example of Plane Navigation in use. Note how the orthogonal planes (MPR slices) have been adjusted to match the anatomy (3D volume) being studied.
Example of Volume Navigation in use. Note how the 3D volume (anatomy) has been moved and rotated to align with the MPR slices.
New Rotate volume around cross preference has been added to 3D Explorer module Show/Hide settings. When Volume Navigation is used (Move / Rotate Volume button is depressed), enabling this will rotate the volume around the MPR plane intersection (new behavior). Disabling it will rotate the volume around the center of the slice view (old behavior).
Rotate volume around cross enabled
Rotate volume around cross disabled
It is now possible to view and label deviation measurement directly over the deviation map, hover the mouse over the map to view deviation and right-click to place a permanent measurement label. An option for deviation map pre-selection is now available in Fitting wizard.
Now it is possible to import and export CAD/CAM cases in native Planmeca PlanCAD® format. With these features the user can send preparation, occlusion, buccal and restoration with all information such as the margin line, ICE view, etc. from one PlanCAD customer to another.
The DDX cloud service option can be added to Planmeca Romexis® CAD/CAM module from the Admin module.
Two new buttons have been added to Planmeca Romexis® CAD/CAM module to allow more flexible utilisation of CAD/CAM licenses in the network.
1. Pre-treatment cephalometric analysis on cephalometric image
2. Surgical simulation (VTO) using the cephalometric analysis as a basis
3. Superimposition of lateral photograph on VTO
4. Prediction image of surgical simulation on lateral face photograph
It is now possible to maintain My Contacts list and to search for other Planmeca Online™ users. Use the Search Contacts fields to search for other users registered in Planmeca Online and who have accepted publishing their account in searches. After a successful search, Add to My Contacts can be used to permanently add the recipient to My Contacts list. These contacts will be shown under the Select Contact button when a new case is being sent to cloud. Please note that when you send a case to a new recipient, the recipient will be automatically added to My Contacts list.
It is now possible to send cloud cases by applying reverse charges so that the transferred data is counted towards the recipient’s transfer quota instead of the sender’s. This allows for example a radiology centre to absorb all costs incurred from transferring referrals, images and radiological reports.
Whether reverse charges are applied is always decided by the sender in each case by choosing between Send and Reverse Charge Send buttons in the Cloud Export dialogue. In order for Reverse Charge Send to become active, the recipient has to choose to accept reverse charges in Planmeca Online™ My Account management page.